

verb re·frain \ri-ˈfrān\

: to stop yourself from doing something that you want to do

Full Definition of REFRAIN

transitive verb
:  curb, restrain
intransitive verb
:  to keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse <refrained from having dessert>
re·frain·ment \-mənt\ noun

Origin of REFRAIN

Middle English refreynen, from Anglo-French refreiner, refreindre, from Latin refrenare, from re- + frenum bridle — more at frenum
First Known Use: 14th century



: a phrase or verse that is repeated regularly in a poem or song

: a comment or statement that is often repeated

Full Definition of REFRAIN

:  a regularly recurring phrase or verse especially at the end of each stanza or division of a poem or song :  chorus; also :  the musical setting of a refrain

Origin of REFRAIN

Middle English refreyn, from Middle French refrain, alteration of Old French refrait melody, response, from past participle of refraindre to break up, moderate, from Vulgar Latin *refrangere, alteration of Latin refringere — more at refract
First Known Use: 14th century

Related to REFRAIN

Other Music Terms

cacophony, chorister, concerto, counterpoint, madrigal, obbligato, presto, presto, riff, segue
REFRAIN[1] Defined for Kids


verb re·frain \ri-ˈfrān\

Definition of REFRAIN for Kids

:  to keep from giving in to a desire or impulse <I wanted to laugh but refrained.>



Definition of REFRAIN for Kids

:  a phrase or verse repeated regularly in a poem or song


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